investing in Andorra



Trends in services of Employers of Record (EoR)         

El modelo del Employer of Record (EoR) ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años como una solución eficiente y flexible para la gestión del talento internacional. Con el crecimiento acelerado del trabajo remoto y la expansión global de las empresas, los servicios de EoR están evolucionando rápidamente para responder a nuevas demandas, como la integración de tecnología avanzada, el enfoque en la sostenibilidad y la adaptación a los cambios en las dinámicas laborales. En este artículo, te contamos cómo los …

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The Andorran economy will grow by 2.1% in 2023, according to the IMF

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) latest Annual Report provides global economic forecasts, highlighting broad trends and offering in-depth analysis of individual economies. It serves as a guide to understanding and anticipating economic movements on a global and regional scale.Andorra, as the 190th member of the organisation, is also included in this analysis. The report provides a detailed overview that lets us paint a clearer picture of what the economic future may hold for our country. Table of contents: Improvement of …

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The economic performance of Andorra in 2022

In 2022, the global economy experienced several changes and challenges. It was a year marked by changes in government policy to deal with the consequences of rising inflation, increases in interest rates and rising prices. As elsewhere, Andorra’s economic outlook was varied and dynamic. This is reflected in the 2022 Economic Report presented by the Andorran Chamber of Commerce, which analyses last year’s growth situation and the prospects for the future. Table of contents: The country’s growth reaches the level …

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Start-up : what is it, and how does this type of company work in Andorra?

In the digital age, start-ups are driving innovation and economic growth on a global scale. These emerging companies, driven by creativity and technology, have become an attractive sector for investors seeking new business opportunities. However, until the end of last year, Andorra had no specific legislation for this type of economic activity. With the approval of the new law on the digital economy, innovation and entrepreneurship, a section has been created to regulate the creation, operating conditions and characteristics of …

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Is Andorra a sovereign country or does it belong to Spain or France?

In the heart of the Pyrenees, sharing borders with Spain and France, lies Andorra, one of the smallest countries in the world. Its area is only 468 km2, but it has managed to preserve its autonomy. One of the recurring questions when talking about Andorra is whether it belongs to Spain or France. Let’s quickly find out: Andorra is an independent country, often described as “a little jewel in the mountains”. Contents: 1.- Andorra, the only co-principality in the world …

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New business opportunities for launching a company in Andorra

Andorra is well on its way to becoming a benchmark for mountain sports innovation thanks to the agreement signed with technology company Global Sports Innovation Center powered by Microsoft (GSIC). The GSIC focuses on providing coverage and helping companies in the world of sport to promote their projects globally and create tech-based business opportunities. This new agreement will allow Andorra to attract international companies and startups that are interested in developing tech projects in the snow, mountain and cycling sports …

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The Andorran tax system: ranked 20th on a list of 190 countries

According to the Paying Taxes analysis carried out by the World Bank as part of a larger study called Doing Business, Andorra’s tax system has been ranked 20th among a list of 190 assessed countries. The principality received a good rating in the field of taxation, above Switzerland and below Canada.   Assessment of the tax system The method used by the Paying Taxes indicator is based on the assessment of the total taxes that companies must pay as well …

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Blockchain in Andorra: increasingly close to regulatory law

Andorra is working on a regulatory framework for blockchain technology that will open the door to the regulation of cryptocurrencies. As there are currently no regulations in force to legislate this type of activity, the principality could be one of the first countries to have its own legislation. Andorra and blockchain: another step towards digital transformation This is one of the 77 initiatives proposed by the government in Horitzó 23, Andorra’s economic plan. The digital transformation section includes a modification …

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Horitzó 23||andorra-horitzo-23

Horitzó 23: Andorra’s economic plan for meeting the challenge of COVID-19 recovery

Andorra is preparing to deal with the consequences of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, the Andorran government has unveiled a new action plan entitled “Horitzó 23 (H23)”, which outlines a series of measures for reactivating the country’s economy. What does “Horitzó 23” include? This strategic plan comprises 77 actions, spread across 20 initiatives, which are based on three main pillars: social welfare, the economy and innovation, and other measures focused on digital transformation and internationalisation. …

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Foreign investment in Andorra grew in 2019

In July, the statistics department of the Andorran government will present its annual report on foreign investment and the conclusions drawn from it will be positive. In 2019, the volume of declared initial investment hit 337 million euros, representing growth of 88.1%. However, submitted requests decreased by 13%. Positive foreign investment requests 584 applications for foreign investment were submitted to the administration, 541 of which were accepted. Even though this is 73 less requests than in 2018 (-11.8%), investments were …

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