

The Andorran economy will grow by 2.1% in 2023, according to the IMF

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) latest Annual Report provides global economic forecasts, highlighting broad trends and offering in-depth analysis of individual economies. It serves as a guide to understanding and anticipating economic movements on a global and regional scale.Andorra, as the 190th member of the organisation, is also included in this analysis. The report provides a detailed overview that lets us paint a clearer picture of what the economic future may hold for our country. Table of contents: Improvement of …

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The IMF forecasts a strong post-pandemic recovery for Andorra

According to the IMF, the forecast looks good for a recovery of the Andorran economy this year, with a view to emerging from the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this regard, the aspects that the IMF’s experts valued most in their preliminary report included the growth of GDP in 2021 and the low unemployment rates. They consider these factors to be decisive in the principality’s ability to withstand the effects and move forward despite the difficult situation. The …

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Andorra formally applies for membership of the IMF

Last January, Andorra initiated the formal procedures for obtaining membership of the International Monetary Fund. Admission to this organisation will provide the principality with international solvency, which will in turn contribute to improving the country’s rating. Inclusion in the IMF, which currently comprises 189 member states, will mean that Andorra will no longer be among the five countries that are currently members of the United Nations but not part of the International Monetary Fund. What will IMF membership mean for …

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