Invest in Andorra



SICAVs in Andorra: an alternative for tax savings

SICAVs, which are very attractive for substantial fortunes, are collective investment institutions which facilitate tax savings. Even if these companies with variable capital are not exclusive to Andorra, they are very interesting tax-saving vehicles, as they are taxed at 0% for corporate income tax. Moreover, dividends paid to Andorran shareholders are also exempt from tax. Types of SICAV in Andorra These investment vehicles are authorised and regulated by the Andorran Financial Authority (AFA), the supervisor of the financial system in …

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Holding in Andorra

This article has been revised and updated in accordance with the latest amendments to Andorran regulations. Updated August 2023. Creating a holding company in Andorra is a way of optimising the taxation of the return on your investments. Holding companies in Andorra are subject to specific taxation that is different to normal companies, with more benefits and fiscal attractiveness. It should be noted that a holding company is considered as such when, in addition to holding shares in other companies, …

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invertir en Andorra


This article has been revised and updated in accordance with the latest amendments to Andorran regulations.Updated August 2023. Andorra is a country of benefits and opportunities. Besides the obvious economic, financial and fiscal perks, investing in Andorra offers several advantages, such as a quality of life that is among the best in the world. The country welcomes more than 8 million visitors each year, has a GDP per capita of over €39,068 a year, in 2022 (compared to €27,870 in …

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