Invest in Andorra



Assessment of foreign investment in property in Andorra in 2023

En 2023 el volumen de inversión extranjera inmobiliaria aumentó, pero se frenaron las peticiones.La inversión en inmuebles por parte de extranjeros aumentó en Andorra un 40 %, aunque se recibieron 71 solicitudes menos. En cuanto a la inversión extranjera directa, se observó una disminución del 19,1 % en la presentación de solicitudes y una caída del 28,9 % en el volumen global. En conjunto, se registraron 1.012 peticiones para invertir en Andorra, lo que representa 239 solicitudes menos que en …

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Create a company in Andorra and keep living in the UK: Is that legal?

This question could apply to the UK, Spain, Portugal, Italy, or any other European country where the level of corporate and personal tax is much higher than that of our Principality. Without a doubt, this is one of the questions most frequently posed by businesspeople and entrepreneurs who are intrigued by Andorra’s attractive tax policy but who want to remain in their customary place of residence. Table of contents: Creating a company in Andorra and living abroad is perfectly legalShould …

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The Andorran economy will grow by 2.1% in 2023, according to the IMF

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) latest Annual Report provides global economic forecasts, highlighting broad trends and offering in-depth analysis of individual economies. It serves as a guide to understanding and anticipating economic movements on a global and regional scale.Andorra, as the 190th member of the organisation, is also included in this analysis. The report provides a detailed overview that lets us paint a clearer picture of what the economic future may hold for our country. Table of contents: Improvement of …

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Tax burden

What is the tax burden in Andorra?

Andorra stands out for its fiscal competitiveness and its tax system, which is comparable to that of other countries. Its economic stability, underpinned by a sound fiscal policy, makes it an attractive location for investors looking for new opportunities abroad. Much of the available information focuses on what taxes are paid and at what rate, but less attention has been paid to the way in which they are collected. In this article, we discuss the tax burden in Andorra, another …

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Our experience as part of the GGI Global Alliance

In an increasingly interconnected world, companies face major challenges in providing their services. For this reason, belonging to an international group of companies that face the same challenges as we do has become a strategy for business success. Since 2019, we have been part of an international network of companies and professional people: the GGI Global Alliance. For us, it is the perfect alliance to promote growth in the provision of services to clients from all over the world who …

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The nullity of Spanish Tax Form 720 fines is now a reality    

The Spanish Tax Agency has at last accepted the annulment of the penalties imposed on residents who are liable for Spanish tax for late declaration or non-declaration of their assets abroad. The European Court of Justice has ruled that such penalties were contrary to EU law, and the Spanish Council of State has ratified that decision. Table of contents: Steps taken to cancel penalties under Tax Form 720 Refund of penalties For whom is Tax Form 720 intended? The points …

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Start-up : what is it, and how does this type of company work in Andorra?

In the digital age, start-ups are driving innovation and economic growth on a global scale. These emerging companies, driven by creativity and technology, have become an attractive sector for investors seeking new business opportunities. However, until the end of last year, Andorra had no specific legislation for this type of economic activity. With the approval of the new law on the digital economy, innovation and entrepreneurship, a section has been created to regulate the creation, operating conditions and characteristics of …

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In its latest rating, Fitch Ratings gives Andorra an A-

Despite the global geopolitical context, Fitch Ratings has maintained Andorra’s A- rating with a stable outlook – the same rating and outlook that the Principality received in July 2022. In its latest assessment (at the end of April), the agency positively assessed factors such as last year’s growth in GDP, efficient debt management and the resilience of Andorra’s banking sector, among others. And in some cases, Andorra outperforms other countries rated at the same level, as we show below. Table …

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Andorra will prove to be Europe’s second-fastest growing country, according to the IMF   

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts that growth in Andorra will prove to be the second-fastest in Europe in 2022, after Ireland. It also points out that its progression will be higher than that of our neighbouring countries France and Spain, and will be above the average for the Eurozone. Table of contents: Forecast growth Annual Meeting of the IMF Measures that have strengthened Andorra’s position Investing in Andorra Forecast growth Every year, the IMF report assesses the prospects for …

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New law governing digital assets and blockchain in Andorra                                                    

Andorra has approved the digital assets law that regulates cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. More specifically, it is Law 24/2022, of 30th June, governing the digital representation of assets by means of cryptography, distributed ledger technology and blockchain. The purpose of this law is to position the country as a reference in new technology and as an attractive place for foreign companies and investors who want to establish themselves with projects connected with this area. To that end, the Government has …

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